High School Math


We follow the US curriculum, especially as per your School State Standards. Our goals are to 

  1. Make sure Students understand the concept clearly, 
  2. Get enough practice to Master the topics.
  3. Talk to the Math Teacher during the sessions for any Homework/ Assignment Help. 

All our Sessions are 1: 1 and Online ( Virtual ) Only. 

Parents usually pick one of these goals:

  1. Catch up to the grade level and give them enough practice so they can perform well in the class. 
  2. Just align to the class and go a little ahead in the class curriculum 
  3. Exceeding expectations of the grade level and preparing well for Math Competitions like Math Olympiad, Math League, Noetic Math, AMC8, Math Kangaroo, Math Counts. 

Each child at Refresh Kid is set a personalized lesson plan as per his / her standards.

We have Monthly Competition within Refresh Kid students (10 - 15 students) in the same level as your child. 

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